Gohil & Sons

Antifouling Paint

Antifouling Paint

Antifouling Paint
  • Antifouling Paint

    Antifouling Paint

    Antifouling Paint

Antifouling Paint
Antifouling Paint

Ships/Boat's underwater area is painted with Antifouling. Antifouling paints protect the building material like wood, steel, fiber glass etc. and prevent undue roughness. The effect of roughness is an increase in the resistance to movement resulting in reduced speed and or increased fuel consumption. Antifouling Paints prevent attack from micro-organisms like bacteria, algae and tacro-organisms like sea-weed, grass, hard-shell animals like barnacles, goose, tube-worms etc.

Antifouling Paints prevent fouling by releasing bio-active material that interferes with biological process of fouling  organisms.
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